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As a Self Care Aware practice we are here to help you feel able to look after your own health when it is right for you. So we have developed a library of Self Care Leaflets and useful links for your benefit. Please let us know if there is something else you would like to see on this list!
We are lucky to have a Community Cabin in our Chepstow branch. The cabin hosts a number of advisors in a range of subjects.
what is normal for upper respiratory tract infections to take a while to clear up?
This fact sheet helps you to know what’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you or your child suffer from atopic eczema?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if your poo's are too hard and/or difficult to pass?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you suffer from heartburn or indigestion?
What can the community pharmacy help with?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if your child develops an infection of the space behind the ear drum?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you suffer from the common cold
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you suffer from acne?
This fact sheet helps you to know what’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you suffer from back pain?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you develop an occasional headache?
Do you look after some? Then who looks after you?
The information in this section is about a specific condition called generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
How to treat diarrhoea and vomiting yourself
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you develop sinusitis?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you suffer a sprain or strain?
What’s ‘normal’ and what you can do to help yourself if you are affected by urinary symptoms?
Get help and support to quit smoking.
​Bereaved? You can find some help and support here.
what’s ‘normal’ and what you can expect to happen if you develop a sore throat?
We put together a leaflet to send to patients who are requesting sedatives for flying.
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