We will be in touch to book by letter
Starting in September
In order to provide a safe and efficient service (and to maintain safety of patients and staff) We ask that you take the time to read the following guidance...
Download and fill in the form in advance. Please bring this form to your appointment.
Who can get the vaccines?
You're eligible for a flu vaccination f you:
Are over 50 years of age.
Are Pregnant.
Have certain long term health conditions.
Are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person or receives carers allowance.
When to avoid the vaccines?​
If you have had a positive covid swab in the last 28 days.
If you have previously had a severe allergic reaction to the flu vaccination, or any of its ingredients.
An egg allergy is not a contraindication - but you must make us aware so that we can offer you an egg free Flu Vaccination.
What health conditions are included?
Respiratory conditions
Heart Conditions
BMI of 40 or above
Chronic Kidney disease
Liver disease
Neurological conditions
Learning Disabilities
Problems with your spleen
A weakened immune system
Good to know before your appointment...
Your slot will be no more than 4 minutes so please make every effort to arrive on time!
wherever possible, only the patient named for the appointment should attend.
Please wear appropriate clothing to allow easy access to the upper arm.